Openssh tips and tricks


Dimitry Dukhovny

Openssh is the way standards-compliant nodes communicate securely. Alternatives exist, but no one cares. This workhorse is well maintained and implements good crypto out of the box.


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Using keys to pivot around your environment

Using keys is safer, smarter, and easier on your life than using passwords. That is only true if you do not mismanage your keys. Use keys in the name of both security and sloth.

Create an RSA key pair if you do not already have one.

create your personal keys
1# This will prompt you for a passphrase.  Do pick one!
2[ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] && ssh-keygen

Fetch the host key from every remote host you are likely to encounter. I raid the /etc/hosts file and the /etc/ansible/hosts.ini files for this.

keyscan as much as we can to avoid key acceptance prompts
1egrep -hv '^\s*(#|\[.*\]|$)' /etc/hosts /etc/ansible/hosts | \
2        awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | \
3        xargs ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Load your new key into memory so you never get prompted for an SSH password until you log out. This will prompt you for a passphrase. Once. Then you can log into as many hosts as you want without a prompt.

load the key into memory
1# This will prompt you for your passphrase
2eval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Disseminate SSH keys

create an authorized keys file on every host
 1remotehostlist=`egrep -hv '^\s*(#|\[.*\]|$)' \
 2        /etc/hosts /etc/ansible/hosts | \
 3        awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq`
 5for rh in ${remotehostlist}
 7        ssh -o preferredauthentications=password user1@${rh} \
 8                "echo `cat ~/.ssh/` >> \
 9                        .ssh/authorized_keys; \
10                chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Fetch keys from AWS Secrets

  • Create an RSA key secret called svc.ssh.key from your id_rsa file

  • Create an RSA key passphrase secret called svc.ssh.key.p

save your secrets
 1read -p "Enter passphrase:" -s
 2aws secretsmanager create-secret \
 3  --name svc.ssh.key.p \
 4  --description "encrypted service account SSH key passphrase" \
 5  --secret-string "${REPLY}"
 6unset REPLY
 8aws secretsmanager create-secret \
 9  --name svc.ssh.key \
10  --description "encrypted service account SSH key" \
11  --secret-string "`cat ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa`"
  • For each scripted execution, you can use…

use your secrets in scripted actions without prompting
 1datestamp=`date +%s`
 2[ ! -d ${HOME}/.ssh ] && mkdir -p ${HOME}/.ssh
 4aws secretsmanager \
 5 get-secret-value \
 6 --secret-id "svc.ssh.key.p" \
 7 --query SecretString \
 8 > ${HOME}/.ssh/service.key
10echo 'aws secretsmanager \
11  get-secret-value \
12  --secret-id "svc.ssh.key.p" \
13  --query SecretString' \
14  > ${HOME}/.ssh/
16chmod 700 ${HOME}/.ssh ${HOME}/.ssh/
17chmod 400 ${HOME}/.ssh/service.key
19export DISPLAY=1
20export SSH_ASKPASS=${HOME}/.ssh/
21eval `ssh-agent`
22ssh-add ${HOME}/.ssh/service.key <<< ${HOME}/.ssh/
23# Perform your SSH actions after this, such as Ansible runs
24# unset your key with...
25#   ssh-agent -k

Trouble: failed login with no password prompt

You probably have an RSA key in ~/.ssh, but your receiving host only allows one login attempt and has no authorized_keys file with your public key in it. You need to tell it to use a password because SSH prefers key logins.

For these examples, you are user1 and you want to log into serverB.

log into a host, forcing a password prompt
1ssh -o preferredauthentications=password user1@serverB

Let us say you want to just fix the problem once and for all by copying your public key to the remote host. Do this.

create an authorized keys file on a single remote host
1ssh -o preferredauthentications=password user1@serverB \
2        "echo `cat ~/.ssh/` >> .ssh/authorized_keys; \
3        chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Use the trick from the keyscan example to do this on every remote host. See Disseminate SSH keys.

Trouble: logins are painfully slow

The most common two culprits are DNS troubles on the receiving host and GSSAPI login attempts when you are not using the GSS API. I will address the latter here. See Troubleshooting DNS for the former.

Trouble: key file is too open or has wrong permissions

  • SSH wants the private key to be protected from unauthorized users.

  • Assuming a key called mykey in the .ssh directory …

1chmod 700 ${HOME}/.ssh
2chmod 600 ${HOME}/.ssh/mykey