Tricks with Containers and Small VMs


Dimitry Dukhovny

Behold the silly container tricks.

Run GUI Software on Your Headless UNIX Box

Install x11vnc and xvfb
 1# For RHEL-like, e.g. Oracle Linux, Centos, or Fedora
 2yum -y install x11vnc xvfb
 3# For Debian-like, e.g. Ubuntu, Raspbian, or Devuan
 4apt-get install x11vnc xvfb
 6# Create a credential path for the user you want.  Yes, even root (you idiot).
 7mkdir ~/.vnc; chmod 700 ~/.vnc
 8x11vnc -storepasswd ~/.vnc/passwd  # This will prompt for a password
10# Start the VNC server
11x11vnc -forever -usepw -create

Then, connect to to your VM or container using VNC on port 5900.

Start a Docker container with an X GUI and nothing else

1FROM    ubuntu:18.04
2RUN     apt-get update
3RUN     apt-get install -y x11vnc xvfb firefox
4RUN     mkdir ~/.vnc
5RUN     chmod 700 ~/.vnc
6# Notice the password in plain text.  This is bad-ish.
7RUN     x11vnc -storepasswd VNCPASSWORD ~/.vnc/passwd

Fetch a Docker image and start the container

1docker build . 2>&1 | tee /tmp/docker-build.out
2# Given no problems...
3docker image tag `grep "Successfully built" /tmp/docker-build.out | awk '{print $NF}'` ubuntu/vnc
4docker run -p 6900:5900 -e HOME=/root/ ubuntu/vnc x11vnc -forever -usepw -create

Every time you stop this Docker image and restart it, all user settings will flush. This makes for a great operational browsing window.